bando trip around the world
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                                                                                              PREPARATION > Entourage

Unless you were born in a family of travellers or a country where the culture of travelling is already strong and established, the normal reaction of a mother or father will be concern at seeing her/his son or daughter leaving…

To work in a country and to “sacrifice” your career is (or was) considered a bad thing. I remember my boss lecturing me and telling me that I’d made “a big mistake.”

To leave your close friends is perhaps a wrench.

Some pressure is normal (at least that means that you mean something to them…) but shouldn’t be an obstacle in taking the decision to leave.

Keep everyone up to date about your travels, invite them to join you to share a bit of the journey, be convinced that this experience works very well in the working world…and you’ll leave with a light heart!

Travelling with my mother
was a unique experience.

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